If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please visit our Help for Texans Page.
For questions, comments, or to order hard copies of any of the listed publications, please call (512) 475-3976 or email info@tdhca.texas.gov.
For email notifications related to public comment periods or newly published documents, join the TDHCA email list.
To view documents available for public comment and for information on the public comment process, please visit the TDHCA Public Comment Center.
TDHCA produces the following publications in compliance with Section 2306.071-2306.0723 of the Texas Government Code:
2025 State of Texas Low Income Housing Plan and Annual Report
This report provides an overview of statewide housing needs and reports on the administration, funding levels, and the distribution of TDHCA's resources from the previous fiscal year.+ Archived versions (PDF format)
- 2023 Housing Sponsor Report
- 2023 Property Charts Data Table
This report provides property and occupant profiles of reporting properties receiving assistance from TDHCA.
- 2023 Property Charts Data Table
- + Archived housing sponsor reports (PDF format)
Per §2056 of Texas Government Code, state agencies must complete and submit strategic planning documents every two years. The Office of the Governor and the Legislative Budget Board determine the elements required to be included in each agency's strategic plan.
Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2025-2029 (PDF)
This plan defines TDHCA's mission, operational goals, and action plan. It covers the five-year fiscal period of 2025-2029.+ Archived strategic plans (PDF format)
Report on Customer Service 2022 (PDF)
The TDHCA Report on Customer Service is required by Chapter 2114 of the Texas Government Code and is prepared in accordance with State Strategic Planning guidelines. The report evaluates TDHCA's facilities, staff, communications, Web site, complaint process, service timeliness, and printed information.+Archived customer service reports (PDF format)
TDHCA produces the following publications in compliance with U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) reporting requirements for the following programs: the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), the Emergency Solutions Grants (ESG) program, the Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS Program (HOPWA), and the National Housing Trust Fund (NHTF). (Provided in PDF format.)
History of Community Planning & Development (CPD) Programs
- 2024 One-Year Action Plan
- 2024 State of Texas Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Reporting on Program Year 2023
- 2020-2024 State of Texas Consolidated Plan
- First Minor Amendment to 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (HOME allocation adjustment)
- Second Minor Amendment to 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (CDBG allocation adjustment)
- Third Minor Amendment to 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (Acceptance of 2020 NHTF Rehabilitation Standards)
- Fourth Minor Amendment to 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (Update of NHTF Selection Criteria to conform with 2021-3 NOFA)
- Fifth Minor Amendment to 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (Update of NHTF Selection Criteria to assist NHTF applicants affected by Pandemic)
- Sixth Minor Amendment to 2020-2024 Consolidated Plan (HOME clarification of Special needs population, Section 8)
- + Archived plans (PDF format)
- Consolidated Plans
- 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan
- First Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan (Adding NHTF Program Information)
- Second Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan (Adding HOPWA goals and activities)
- Third Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan (Adding HOPWA goal and activity)
- Fourth Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan (Adding ESG-CV)
- Fifth Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan (Adding HOPWA-CV)
- Sixth Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan (Adding ESG-CV ll)
- Seventh Substantial Amendment to the 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan (Adding CDBG-CV)
- Minor Amendment to the 2015 OYAP (reprogramming 2015 HOPWA funds; note that the 2015 OYAP is a chapter of the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan)
- Second Minor Amendment to the 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan (Adding ESG-CV Reallocation)
- 2010-2014 State of Texas Consolidated Plan
- The NSP3 Substantial Amendments to the State of Texas 2010 CDBG Action Plan for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program
- 2005-2009 State of Texas Consolidated Plan
- 2001 Consolidated Plan
- 1996 State of Texas Consolidated Plan
- 2015-2019 State of Texas Consolidated Plan
- One-Year Action Plans
- 2023 One-Year Action Plan
- 2022 One-Year Action Plan
- 2021 One-Year Action Plan
- 2019 One Year Action Plan
- First Substantial Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Update of NHTF Methods of Distribution)
- Second Substantial Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Update of CDBG Methods of Distribution)
- Third Substantial Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Addition of ESG-CV)
- Fourth Substantial Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Addition of HOPWA-CV)
- Fifth Substantial Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Addition of ESG-CV ll)
- Sixth Substantial Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Addition of CDBG-CV)
- Seventh Substantial Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Update of CDBG-CV Activities)
- Eighth Substantial Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Update of CDBG-CV Activities)
- First Minor Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Updates to CDBG Methods of Distribution)
- Second Minor Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Updates to HOME Special Needs Populations)
- Third Minor Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Update to CSHC deobligated funds for COVID-19 response)
- Fourth Minor Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Update to ESG-CV ll allowable uses)
- Fifth Minor Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Update to ESG-CV ll adjustments in line with CPD notice 21-08)
- Sixth Minor Amendment to the 2019 One-Year Action Plan (Update to ESG-CV adding reallocation)
- 2018 One Year Action Plan
- Minor Amendment to the 2018 OYAP (Updating HOME)
- 2017 One Year Action Plan
- Minor Amendment to the 2017 OYAP (Updating the Citizen Participation Plan)
- 2016 Plan
- Substantial Amendment to the 2016 Plan (Adding NHTF program information)
- 2014 Plan
- Minor Amendment to the 2014 Plan (Reprogramming 2014 HOPWA funds)
- 2013 Plan
- Substantial Amendment to the 2013 Plan (Updating HOME preferences)
- 2012 Plan
- Substantial Amendment to 2012 Action Plan (Adding ESG activities and allocations)
- 2011 Plan
- Substantial Amendment to 2011 Action Plan (Adding ESG activities and allocations)
- 2009 Plan
- 2008 Plan
- 2007 Plan
- 2006 Plan
- State of Texas Consolidated Plan Annual Performance Report
- 2023 Reporting on Program year 2022
- 2022 Reporting on Program year 2021
- 2021 Reporting on Program Year 2020
- 2020 Reporting on Program Year 2019
- 2019 Reporting on Program Year 2018
- 2018 Reporting on Program Year 2017
- 2017 Reporting on Program Year 2016
- 2016 Reporting on Program Year 2015
- 2015 Reporting on Program Year 2014
- 2014 Reporting on Program Year 2013
- 2013 Reporting on Program Year 2012
- 2012 Reporting on Program Year 2011
- 2011 Reporting on Program Year 2010
- 2010 Reporting on Program Year 2009
- 2009 Reporting on Program Year 2008
- 2008 Reporting on Program Year 2007
- 2007 Reporting on Program Year 2006
- 2006 Reporting on Program Year 2005
- 2005 Reporting on Program Year 2004
- Consolidated Plans
- For PHA’s: Determination of Public Housing Authority's Annual Plan Consistency with the State of Texas Consolidated Plan (DOC) or (PDF)
Email the form as an attachment to Jeremy.Stremler@tdhca.texas.gov - For non-PHA’s: Certification of Consistency with Consolidated Plan (DOC) or (PDF).
Email the form as an attachment to Jeremy.Stremler@tdhca.texas.gov
For any questions on Certification of Consistency forms, please email Jeremy.Stremler@tdhca.texas.gov or (512) 936-7803
In 1999, the 76th Legislature enacted Senate Bill 1112 (§2306.111, Government Code), which required TDHCA to develop and use a formula to regionally allocate its HOME, Housing Trust Fund (HTF), and Housing Tax Credit (HTC) program funding. The resulting Regional Allocation Formula (RAF) determines how this funding will be distributed among the urban and rural areas of the 13 service regions used by TDHCA for planning purposes. The RAF methodology is described in the TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Methodology. Example program funding distributions are provided following the TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Methodology (provided in PDF format).
- 2024 RAF Methodology
- + Archived regional allocation formula recalibration from 2013 (PDF format)
- 2013 TDHCA Housing Tax Credit Regional Allocation Formula Recalibration Roundtable (TDHCA Calendar listing)
- Brief Model Description
- Variables for 2013 Draft RAF
- Equal Weights Model
- Compounded Need Model
- Subtraction Model
- 2011 vs 2012 RAF based on $40,000,000
- 2013 Test RAF Based on Population
- 2013 TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Recalibration
- 2013 RAF Executive Summary
- 2013 RAF Position Paper
- 2013 RAF Proposed Methodology
- Exhibit A 2012 RAF Methodology Final
- Exhibit B 12 RAF HTC Final
- Exhibit C Cost Burden by Region
- Exhibit D Overcrowding by Region
- Exhibit E 200% Poverty by Region
- Exhibit F 2011 and 2012 HTC RAF Comparison and (XLS)
- Exhibit G Vacancy by Region
- Exhibit H Variables for RAF Position Paper and (XLS)
- Exhibit I Cost Burden by Place
- Exhibit J 2013 HTC RAF with four variable (staff recommendation) and (XLS)
- Exhibit K 2012 and 2013 HTC RAF Comparison with four factors and (XLS)
- Exhibit L 2013 HTC RAF with 3 variables (alternative) and (XLS)
- Exhibit M 2012 and 2013 HTC RAF Comparison with three factors and (XLS)
- First Addendum to 2013 RAF Position Paper
- 2013 TDHCA Housing Tax Credit Regional Allocation Formula Recalibration Roundtable (TDHCA Calendar listing)
- + Archived regional allocation formula documents (PDF format)
- 2023 RAF Methodology
- 2022 RAF Methodology
- 2021 RAF Methodology
- 2020 RAF Methodology
- 2019 RAF Methodology
- 2018 RAF Methodology
- 2017 RAF Methodology
- 2016 Multifamily Methodology and 2016 Single Family Methodology
- 2015 TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Methodology
- 2014 TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Methodology
- 2013 TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Methodology
- 2012 TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Methodology
- 2011 TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Methodology
- 2010 TDHCA Regional Allocation Formula Methodology
The TDHCA Housing Finance Corporation (HFC) Annual Report is required by Title 12 of the Texas Local Government Code. The report presents data regarding single family mortgage loan activity of HFCs and demographic information for persons residing in HFC-financed multifamily units. The following documentation is available for completing the report:
- 2024 Housing Finance Corporation Annual Report
For more information, please email Jeremy Stremler at Jeremy.Stremler@tdhca.texas.gov
Tax Exemption Financial Audits are required by Chapter 11, Subchapter A, Sec 11.182(e)(3) of the Texas Property Code and can be submitted to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA electronically at the following mailbox: taxexemptfinancials@tdhca.texas.gov
Texas Property Code Chapter 11, Subchapter A, Sec 11.182(e)(3) which states:
(e) In addition to meeting the applicable requirements of Subsections (b) and (c), to receive an exemption under Subsection (b) for improved real property that includes a housing project constructed after December 31, 2001, and financed with qualified 501(c)(3) bonds issued under Section 145 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, tax-exempt private activity bonds subject to volume cap, or low-income housing tax credits, the organization must:
(3) submit annually to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs and to the governing body of each taxing unit for which the project receives an exemption for the housing project evidence demonstrating that the organization spent an amount equal to at least 90 percent of the project's cash flow in the preceding fiscal year as determined by the audit required by Subsection (g), for eligible persons in the county in which the property is located, on social, educational, or economic development services, capital improvement projects, or rent reduction
Tax Exempt Financial Contact information
Email Address: taxexemptfinancials@tdhca.texas.gov
Mailing Address:
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Attn: Housing Resource Center
P.O. Box 13941, Austin, TX 78711