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An official website of the Texas state government

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General Information

The Multifamily Direct Loan Program provides funding to nonprofit and for-profit entities for the new construction or rehabilitation of affordable multifamily rental developments. Funding is typically provided in the form of low interest rate, repayable construction-to-permanent loans. Multifamily developments funded through the Department’s Multifamily Direct Loan Program must comply with long-term rent and income restrictions and may be layered with additional funding sources (such as Housing Tax Credits). For more information, visit the FAQs page.

Connor Jones, Multifamily Loan Programs Manager
Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
211 East 11th Street, Austin, TX 78701
Direct: (512) 475-3986

Apply for Funds

Visit the Apply for Funds page for the Uniform Multifamily Application, Multifamily Predevelopment Application, and supplemental program materials needed to complete your application. Visit the NOFAs and Rules page for Notices of Funding Availability and the Uniform Multifamily Rules for scoring, threshold, and other requirements.

2024-1 Application Cycle Information

2023-1 Application Cycle Information

2022-1 Application Cycle Information

2021-3 Application Cycle Information

2021-2 Predevelopment Application Cycle Information

2021-1 Application Cycle Information

2020-1 Application Cycle Information

2020-2B Application Cycle Information

2019-1 Application Cycle Information

2019-2 Predevelopment Application Cycle Information

Additional Guidance and Resources

Additional reference materials for applicants and awardees are included below. For information regarding public hearings and TDHCA Board meetings, please visit the Community Information page. For forums and recent announcements, please visit the Announcements & Forums page. For a list of upcoming events and trainings, please review the TDHCA Events Calendar.

For information on the following Federal Cross Cutting Requirements information, please click on the following links:

For instructions on how to request a Mid Construction and Final Construction Inspection, please visit the Compliance division’s Construction Inspections and Accessibility page.

Post Award Guidance and Materials

Visit the Asset Management page for information on Construction Status Reports, Annual Owner’s Compliance Reports, Annual Owner’s Financial Certifications, and Asset Manager’s Assignments and Contact Information. Visit the Compliance page for information on monitoring guidelines, income and rent limits, utility allowances, and physical and construction inspections.

Multifamily Direct Loan Draw Processing Forms

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