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TDHCA serves as a public housing authority and administers the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program in its 34 county service area. The Department is one of several different public housing authorities that run Housing Choice Voucher Section 8 programs across Texas. Each public housing authority covers a specific service area. TDHCA also administers special purpose Section 8 Vouchers for specific populations in certain areas of the state. TDHCA does not have oversight of Public Housing Authorities; please contact HUD's Public and Indian Housing (PIH) Resource Center at (800) 955-2232.
The PHA Portal provides information to Section 8 Applicants, Tenants, and Landlords. Users must register for access through the portal, and can obtain real-time information about their Section 8 assistance, waitlist status, or payments.
General information about the TDHCA Section 8 Program, including Payment Standards and Utility Schedules, PHA Plans, and TDHCA’s Administrative Plan
Project Access and Mainstream utilize Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers to assist low-income persons with disabilities in transitioning from institutions into the community by providing access to affordable housing.
The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program is a HUD-funded program that provides vouchers to specific types of vulnerable households. TDHCA was issued a limited number of vouchers, and these vouchers were issued only to those referred to TDHCA by partnering Continuums of Care (CoCs). Referrals have been received for all available vouchers.
The Emergency Housing Voucher (EHV) Program is a HUD-funded program that provides vouchers to specific types of vulnerable households. TDHCA was issued a limited number of vouchers, and these vouchers were issued only to those referred to TDHCA by partnering Continuums of Care (CoCs). Referrals have been received for all available vouchers.