If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please visit our Help for Texans Page.
This webpage provides administrative, reporting, and program guidance support for TDHCA Subrecipients. After reviewing the guidance on this page, ESG Subrecipients requiring technical assistance may contact the Homeless Programs Team by email at HomelessPrograms@tdhca.texas.gov with any questions.
- Emergency Solution Grants Program Interim Regulations
(24 CFR 576 at Electronic Code of Federal Regulations) - HEARTH Homeless Definition Final Rule
- Equal Access to Housing Final Rule
- 2 CFR 200 (OMB Super Circular)
- 10 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 1 - Administration
- 10 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 7 - Homelessness Programs
- Audit Certification Form
- Direct Deposit Authorization Form
- ESG Budget and Match Amendment Form
- ESG Inventory List: Tools and Equipment
- ESG Public Referral Information Form
- Housing Contract System Access Request Form for Homeless Programs
- Indirect Cost Rate Worksheet
- Texas Identification Number
- Vendor Agreement
Required Forms as applicable
- Area Median Family Income Effective June 1, 2024
- Declaration of Income Statement Form (DOC) and Guidance (DOCX)
- Criteria and Recordkeeping Requirements for Definition of Homeless
- Criteria for Definition of At Risk of Homelessness
- Recordkeeping for At Risk of Homelessness Definition (PDF)
- HUD Handbook 4350.3
Chapter 5 of Handbook 4350.3 provides requirements and methodology for calculation of income under 24 CFR 5.609 - Violence Against Women Act – ESG Guidance (PDF)
- Violence Against Women Act – TDHCA’s Notice of Occupancy Rights based on HUD form 5380 (DOCX) Spanish (DOC)
- Violence Against Women Act – Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking (HUD Form 5382) Spanish (DOC)
Subrecipient May Create own Versions of Forms Below
- Certification of Zero Income (DOC) Spanish (DOC).
- Income Certification (Spanish) (DOC) and Instructions (PDF)
- Income Screening Tool (Spanish) (DOC)
- Household Status Verification for SAVE
- SAVE Household Status Verification (XLSX)
- Violence Against Women Act – Notification Certification Spanish (DOC)
Unit Eligibility
- Fair Market Rent (www.huduser.gov)
- ESG Minimum Habitability Standards for Emergency Shelters and Permanent Housing
- ESG Rent Reasonableness and Fair Market Rent
- Landlord Incentive Addendum (DOCX) (Spanish)
- Lead-Based Paint Hazards Brochure (www.epa.gov)
- Lead-Based Paint Hazards Disclosure (PDF)
- Rental Assistance Agreement for ESG annual (DOCX) (Spanish) (DOC)
- Rental Assistance Agreement for ESG CARES (DOCX) (Spanish) (DOC)
- Request for Unit Approval (Spanish) (DOC)
- Homeless Definition as it Relates to Children and Youth
- HUD, HHS, and DOJ Joint Letter Regarding Immigrant Access to Housing and Services
- Overview of the LGBT Rule (PDF)
- PRWORA and HUD’s Homeless Assistance Programs Fact Sheet
Eligible Activities
- Applicable Requirements for Rental Assistance and Housing Relocation and Stabilization Services
- ESG Program Components Quick Reference Guide
- Guide on Eligible ESG Uses (PDF)
- Infographic: Overview of ESG Client Services (PDF)
- Guide on Level of Environmental Review Required for ESG Activities (PDF)
- Indirect Cost Toolkit for CoC and ESG Programs (hudexchange.info)
- Language Access Plan Guidance (DOC)
- Procurement and Contracting Integrity Bulletin (hudexchange.info)
- Sample Cost Allocation Plan (PDF)
- Violence Against Women Act – Emergency Transfer Plan Model for ESG (DOC)
- HUD, HHS, and DOJ Joint Letter Regarding Immigrant Access to Housing and Services
- Overview of the LGBT Rule (PDF)
- PRWORA and HUD’s Homeless Assistance Programs Fact Sheet