If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please visit our Help for Texans Page.
- Uniform Previous Participation Form for Multifamily and Ownership Transfers (XLS) | Instructions (PDF)
- Uniform Previous Participation Form for Single family and Community Affairs (XLS) | Instructions (PDF)
- 2019 Control Form (DOCX)
- For HOME Program forms visit the HOME Division Forms page
- For Section 811 Program forms visit the Section 811 Program Participating Owners/Agents page and see the Forms and Materials section of the Service Providers page
- Owner Certification of Compliance with Fair Housing Poster Requirements for 811 PRA
- Certification of Student Eligibility (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Certification of Zero Income (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Documentation of Telephone Verification - Clarification Record (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- HOME Program – Certification of Student Eligibility (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Income Verification for Households with Section 8 Certificates (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Release and Consent (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Student Verification (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Undeclared Tip Income Certification (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Asset Certification of Net Family Assets (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Asset Verification (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Employment Verification (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Income Certification or (DOCX)
- Income Certification Instructions or (DOCX)
- Intake Application (PDF) or (DOC) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Intake Supplement for Subsidy Calculation (PDF) or (DOC) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- TDHCA’s Emergency Transfer Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking—Based on HUD form 5381 (DOCX)
- TDHCA’s Notice of Occupancy Rights under the Violence Against Women Act – based on HUD form 5380 (DOCX) (Spanish) (Vietnamese, PDF)
- HUD 5381 – Model Emergency Transfer Plan for Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
- HUD 5382 – Certification of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking, and Alternate Documentation (Spanish)
- HUD 5383 – Emergency Transfer Request for Certain Victims of Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, or Stalking
- Link to HUD Forms 5381, 5382, and 5383 translated into Armenian, Cambodian, Creole, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, Thai, and Vietnamese.
- HUD 91067 – Lease Addendum, Violence Against Women and Justice Department Reauthorization Act of 2005 (DOCX)
- Single Family Affirmative Marketing Tool
- TDHCA form, Single Family Affirmative Marketing Plan for HOME and NSP (DOC)
- TDHCA form, Single Family Affirmative Marketing Plan for Colonias (DOCX)
- HUD 935.2B Affirmative Marketing Form (Current Version – PDF)
- Single Family Affirmative Marketing Technical Assistance Guide (PDF)
- Source document, Single Family Affirmative Marketing Tool (PDF)
- Language Access Plan, Guidance and Example Plan (DOC)
Monitoring Forms
These are some of the checklists that Compliance Monitors use when they perform onsite monitoring visits at TDHCA administered properties. Note there are seven worksheets within this workbook. These checklists are not required to be completed by owners and managers. Rather, they are provided as tool to help owners and managers comply with their LURA and the Texas Administrative Code. They are updated from time to time. If you have questions about these checklists, please contact Wendy Quackenbush at (512) 305-8860 or by email at wendy.quackenbush@tdhca.state.tx.us.
- Electronic File Certification Form (PDF)
- Monitoring Forms (XLSX)
- Suggested File Checklist (DOCX)
- Average Income Testing Tool (XLSX)
- TDHCA Housing Accessibility Checklist Dwelling Units (DOC)
- Inflation Adjustment Chart
- Average Income Testing Tool
Annual Eligibility Certification
Affirmative Marketing Plans
- HUD 935.2A Affirmative Marketing Form (Previous Version - PDF)
- HUD 935.2A Affirmative Marketing Form (Current Version - PDF)
Tenant Rights and Resources Guide
The Tenant Rights and Resources Guide is for tenants living in a TDHCA monitored rental property.
- Tenant Rights and Resources Guide (Effective 2/2/2024) (English) (Spanish)
- Tenant Rights and Resources Guide Acknowledgement Form (English and Spanish PDF) (English and Spanish DOC)
Special Needs Certification
- Special Needs Certification (PDF) or (DOCX) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOCX)
- Reasonable Accommodation and Reasonable Modification Infographic
Section 811 PRA
- Section 811 Tenant Selection Criteria Addendum (DOCX)
- EIV Discrepancy Report Cover Sheet for Tenant File (PDF)
Notices and Request Forms
- Notice of Foreclosure (PDF)
- Requirements for Ownership and Property Transfers - visit the Post Carryover Activities Manual in the Asset Management area.
- Multi Family Bond Qualified Project Period Calculation Form (PDF form)
for Multi Family Mortgage Revenue Bond properties fulfilling initial occupancy requirements - Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards (PDF) | Spanish (PDF) or (DOC)