If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please visit our Help for Texans Page.
The application materials on this page are for organizations that wish to become administrators of the HOME program. If you are an individual seeking assistance, please visit our Help for Texans page at Help for Texans for providers in your area.
HOME Single Family Program Reservation System Application Documents (Updated 3/4/2025)
- Federal HOME Final Rule, 24 CFR Part 92:
https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?c=ecfr&tpl=/ecfrbrowse/Title24/24cfr92_main_02.tpl - State HOME Rule, 10 TAC Chapter 20 and 10 TAC Chapter 23:
74-176 Direct Deposit Authorization Form
AP-152 Texas Application for Payee ID (TIN) Form
Administrative Environmental Forms:
HUD HOME Income Limits – (HUD Exchange Website):
Fair Market Rents – HOME TBRA (HUD User website):
Participating Jurisdiction List
American Community Survey (ACS) Demographic and Housing Estimates (American Fact Finder, US Census Bureau website):
Income Determination Training (TDHCA website):
Compliance Training
For additional information please email HOME@tdhca.texas.gov