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Compliance Training
General Training Policies
The Department regularly conducts training sessions for the Housing Tax Credit Program (HTC), the Bond Program (BOND), and the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) to ensure compliance with all program requirements. These training sessions teach program regulations and will help all individuals ensure compliance when implementing Department funded programs. The main types of available training sessions are Property Compliance and Income Determination. Descriptions of each type of training are included below.
Attendance Certificates will either be presented at the end of the training class or mailed to attendees if not provided on the training date. Attendees must stay for the entire training session to receive a certificate.
Property Compliance training sessions, which are co-sponsored by the Department's Compliance Monitoring staff and either the Rural Rental Housing Association of Texas (RRHA) or the Texas Apartment Association (TAA), focus on requirements included in Land Use Restriction Agreements (LURAs) to ensure long term compliance with the rules and regulations governing the HTC, BOND, and HOME programs.
Visit www.taa.org for online registration. Trainings are facilitated by Department staff and sponsored by TAA.
If you are interested in Property Compliance Training, note the following:
- TDHCA does not accept online registration for Property Compliance Training sessions.
- Registration and training facilities are coordinated by the applicable co-sponsoring organization.
- Registrants must contact the applicable co-sponsoring organization to register.
- The registration fee for Property Compliance Training is determined by the co-sponsoring organization.
NOTE: Event registration is being provided through Eventbrite.com. The Department does not accept mailed, faxed, or emailed registration requests. If you cannot use the Eventbrite Web site due to a disability, please use the contact information below, and we will assist you with your registration.
Contact: Kathie Watkins at (512) 305-8869 or kathie.watkins@tdhca.texas.gov.
Income Determination training sessions are presented by the Department's Compliance Monitoring staff every quarter and are held at the Thomas J. Rusk Building in Austin, Texas. The training focuses on the income eligibility requirements of the Department's various affordable housing programs. All affordable housing property owners and managers; and all program contract administrators and subrecipients are invited to attend. This in-depth course covers:
- Income
- Assets
- Documenting household income
- Calculating annual income
Please be aware that there is a high demand for this training. Please only register for this training if you are sure that you can attend. Approximately one week before the training, you will be contacted via the email address you entered as part of your registration and asked to confirm that you will attend. If a response to that confirmation request is not received within 48 hours, your spot will be given to the next person on the waitlist.
NOTE: If registration for the training reaches capacity, you will be given the option through Eventbrite to join the waitlist. As spots for the training become available, you will be notified via the email address you entered when you registered for the waitlist and offered the opportunity to register. If you do not register for the training within the time frame identified in the notification, that spot will be released to the next person on the waitlist.
Individuals who require auxiliary aids, services or sign language interpreters for training sessions should contact Wendy Quackenbush, ADA Responsible Employee, at 512-305-8860 or Relay Texas at 1-800-735-2989, at least two days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Non-English speaking individuals who require interpreters for training sessions should contact Sussette Kenney at 512-475-1273, David Gutierrez at 512-475-3807, Waldemar Rubio at 512-475-4618 or Walter Griner at 512-475-3864 at least three days before the meeting so that appropriate arrangements can be made.
Las personas que no hablan inglés y que requieren intérpretes para las sesiones de capacitación deben comunicarse con Sussette Kenney al 512-475-1273, David Gutiérrez al 512-475-3807, Waldemar Rubio al 512-475-4618 o Walter Griner al 512-475-3864 al menos tres días antes de la reunión para que se puedan hacer los arreglos apropiados.