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TDHCA operates the Weatherization Assistance Program with funds from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). WAP is designed to help low income customers control their energy costs through installation of weatherization materials and education. The program goal is to reduce the energy cost burden of low income households through energy efficiency. The WAP is administered through subrecipients, which collectively cover all 254 counties of the state.
Want to learn about energy saving weatherization measures you can do yourself? Visit TDHCA’s Home Weatherization Tips for Energy Savings page
The WAP is authorized by Part A of the Energy Conservation in Existing Buildings Act of 1976, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 6861 et seq. and Texas Government Code Section 2306.097. The WAP program follows the U.S. Department of Energy regulations codified in 10 CFR Part 440 and 600, and the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 8621 et seq. and the implementing regulations of 45 C.F.R. Part 96.
What We Do


Partnerships & Community Involvement

Range of Services
Eligible Activities
- Energy audit (a review of your home's energy efficiency, which identifies where air leaks may be occurring, inefficient appliances, etc.)
- Installation of weatherization measures to increase energy efficiency of a home (structure must be able to benefit from being weatherized)
- The weatherization work consists of caulking; weather-stripping; adding ceiling, wall, and floor insulation; patching holes in the building envelope; duct work, and tune-up, repair or replacement of energy inefficient heating and cooling systems.
- The weatherization measures to be installed must meet specific energy-savings goals.
- Approved weatherization measure resources:
- DOE only allows installation of materials using DOE funds as detailed in 10 CFR Part 440 Appendix A:
https://www.ecfr.gov/cgi-bin/text-idx?SID=a147e201db9e399253ae354da3ea81cd&mc=true&node=ap10.3.440_130.a&rgn=div9 - If DOE approves a new technique or technology the material is added to the list in Appendix A (above).
- DOE only allows installation of materials using DOE funds as detailed in 10 CFR Part 440 Appendix A:
Bidding on Weatherization Work
If you are interested in providing weatherization services for low-income households, contact the weatherization subrecipient agency that serves your county with the federally-funded weatherization programs. List of subrecipient agencies for Texas (PDF).
Each Subrecipient procures contractors to perform the weatherization services for eligible households. The list provides the name of the weatherization coordinator for each subrecipient. You are encouraged to contact as many weatherization programs as you wish and bid for any counties you want to serve.
The procurement process adheres to Office of Management and Budget (OMB) regulations and provides for free and open competition in the procurement of weatherization services. If you have questions about the procurement process, timelines, or results, please contact your local subrecipient agency directly.
DOE Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) State Plan
For the LIHEAP plans, which include Weatherization activities, visit the Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) page.
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law Weatherization Assistance Program (BILWAP) State Plan
Annual Weatherization Report to Texas Legislature (PDF format)
Weatherization Subrecipient Menu
- Program Guidance
- Household Status Verification Information
- WAP Best Practices
- WAP Video Library
- Quality Work Plan
- Procurement
- Community Affairs Contract System
- Update Subrecipient Contact Information
- Training Survey
- Submit a Wufoo question or request T&TA