After the completion of an acceptable procurement process (i.e. small purchase, sealed bids, and/or competitive proposal), competition is determined inadequate. A non-competitive proposal may be accepted only if:
- The service, supply, or equipment is available only from a single source and documentation of why service/product is only available from one vendor is maintained; or
- A public emergency exists preventing the time required for competitive solicitation; or
- After solicitation of a number of sources, competition is determined inadequate and documentation of effort to solicit multiple sources is maintained (by far, the most common).;
Note: Per §TAC 1.404 (f) and Community Affairs contracts, all vehicles purchased with state or federal funds must be pre-approved by the Department via written correspondence. Additionally, certain equipment and capital expenditures might require prior written approval from the Department as outlined within 2 CFR §200.439 and/or the “Procurement Standards” section of your program contracts. Examples include: general purpose equipment, buildings, land, special purpose equipment, etc.