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Jorge Reyes, TDHCA

LuLa G. and George E., Houston, TX
Emergency Solutions Grant Program
Photo: Career and Recovery Resources
Family sticks together, no matter what. LuLa G. and her nephew George E. have always stuck together; especially during the bad times. And they've been through some bad times that would have divided most others.
First, LuLa's mom and her sister, George's mom, died within a year of each other. Then, the house they all had lived in for many years was foreclosed. And with no place to go, they continued to live there as squatters. Additionally, George's small social security check was barely enough to feed them and not enough to keep their utilities from being cut off. Things looked very bleak for LuLa and George.
But as the saying goes, it's always darkest before the dawn. After learning of their plight, Harris County officials put LuLa and George in contact with the nonprofit organization, Career and Recovery Resources (CRR). Funded by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs' Emergency Solutions Grant Program, CRR and two other nonprofits were shocked to see the living conditions in which LuLa and George were living. The organizations quickly moved to helped LuLa and George find and move into a new apartment and to receive badly needed social services.
LuLa and George had been living a nightmare but through it all they never gave up on each other. Thanks to CRR and other nonprofits, they are well on the road to getting back on their feet and keeping their family together.
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Emergency Solutions Grants Program