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Amy Kincheloe, TDHCA

Travis Street resident Gregory H. gets ready to prepare a meal in his kitchen. For more photos of Gregory and Travis Street visit: https://goo.gl/SpU5Nr
Photo: Amy Kincheloe, TDHCA
Sometimes a change in life finds you in a new place, and sometimes that may be exactly where you need to be – which just might be the case for Gregory H., who recently moved into the Travis Street Plaza Apartments in the spring of 2015.
After separating from his wife, Gregory needed a place to live, and Travis Street, a 192-unit affordable, service-enriched housing community marketed to individuals at-risk of homelessness, including veterans, fit the bill.
Travis Street, located in Houston, was financed in large part through the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs’ Housing Tax Credit Program.
A U.S. Air Force veteran, Gregory says he is still getting adjusted to the community, but is enjoying the company he keeps while socializing and playing billiards.
“It’s good for vets to be around other vets – we understand each other,” Gregory said. “We all have our situation, but we can relate to one another.”
Gregory received his associate degree in art from Houston Community College in 2014 and plans to attend Texas Southern University for his bachelor’s degree in business starting in January 2016.
“You have to take the time out to want [your degree] – it’s goal-oriented,” Gregory said.
Due to how seriously Gregory takes his studies, he feels he might be exactly where he needs to be in his life right now – mentally and physically.
“I don’t have a time-frame [for leaving Travis Street] right now,” Gregory said. “I’m just trying to get myself together at the moment. It’s a nice place. I’m not in a rush to leave, but I don’t want to stay here for the rest of my life.
“But Travis Street has changed my life for the better – I’m not homeless! I have a place to cook food, sleep and clean myself.”
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Learn more about this program:
9% Competitive Housing Tax Credit Program