TDHCA awards funding to help prevent homelessness among Fort Bend County youth and young adults

(AUSTIN) — The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs ( TDHCA’s Youth and Young Adult Homeless Program (YYAHP) was authorized during the 88th Texas Legislature Regular Session with $1,000,000 appropriated from general revenue, and is to be used to create a program to help prevent Fort Bend County youth and young adults from becoming homeless. The two nonprofits named for awards have experience in serving homeless youth. Building Up the Community, Inc., will receive $500,000 to provide transitional housing and wraparound services for homeless youth aging out of foster care. The second awardee, RISE, will receive $300,000 for a rapid re-housing program for which the organization has previous experience in implementing in Fort Worth. “Through the Youth and Young Adult Homeless Program, we mean to show how collaborations can have a meaningful impact, and give young Texans who have overcome incredible obstacles the opportunity to find a safe and lasting home,” said For more information about TDHCA’s YYAHP or Homeless Housing and Services Program, please visit