Are you ready?
Weather events in Texas seem to be happening every day, and in case you didn’t know, hurricane season officially started June 1 and goes through November 30. TDHCA, along with many other state agencies, serves as a resource during times of natural disasters. The Department’s programs have helped when weather-related events such as – wildfires, flooding, and tornadoes – have upended Texans’ lives.
Here are some useful and important tips to get you weather-ready for this summer. We’re here to help you start on goal one: make a plan. These are some disaster preparedness links you may want to save on their phone, or have a list that is easy to get to:
It is also advisable to have your local news stations’ links saved to get up-to-date conditions in your area.
There is a motto in the emergency management world which states “don’t be scared; be prepared.” So, take the time now, before disaster strikes, to formulate a plan for you and your household. Be ready in case you need to act quickly and remember these helpful online resources.