If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please visit our Help for Texans Page.
TDHCA's Disaster Relief Role
- Not a first responder.
- Apply Department expertise and resources to help local administrators assist eligible Texans impacted by disasters.
- Provide immediate and short term community service and housing support, and long term affordable housing relief.
- The Department does not receive funds designated for disaster relief, but as available, may provide deobligated, discretionary, or other funds for disaster relief support.
- TDHCA’s practice is to maintain a HOME Disaster Relief (“HOME DR”) fund balance of $1 million from deobligated funds and program income whenever possible.
- See TDHCA HOME Disaster Relief page for details
- As with all TDHCA programs, funding for the Department’s disaster relief activities is subject to availability.
- All activities supported through TDHCA funding must follow applicable program rules, including but not limited to eligible applicants, beneficiaries, activities, etc.
- Some programs require an application through a Notice of Funding Availability.
- Eligible beneficiaries vary by program and are subject to income eligibility, which is typically identified as Area Median Family Income (AMFI). See Income and Rent Limits for details.
- TDHCA programs typically target lower to moderate income populations, generally serving households earning up to 80% AMFI.
- Some programs may give assistance priority to a variety of special needs populations, such as:
- Colonia residents;
- Migrant farm workers;
- Persons with alcohol and/or drug addictions;
- Persons with disabilities;
- Persons with HIV/AIDS; Homeless populations;
- Public housing residents;
- Seniors;
- Veterans;
- Victims of domestic violence; and
- Youth aging out of foster care.
Shelter Support
Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Program
Eligible Applicants: Entities designated by the Governor as Eligible Entities
Eligible Activities: Gift cards for food, gas, toiletries; medical items
Beneficiaries: Impacted households earning up to 125% Federal Poverty Level
Contact: Michael DeYoung - (512) 475-2125 michael.deyoung@tdhca.texas.gov
Community Affairs - (512) 475-3951
Temporary Housing
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
LIHEAP is the funding source for TDHCA’s Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
Eligible Applicants: Existing administrators of TDHCA's LIHEAP-funded Comprehensive Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)
Eligible Activities: Temporary housing assistance, such as hotel vouchers
Beneficiaries: Impacted households earning up to 150% Federal Poverty Level whose supply of power to the dwelling is disrupted causing temporary evacuation
Contact: Michael DeYoung - (512) 475-2125 michael.deyoung@tdhca.texas.gov
Community Affairs - (512) 475-3950
Rental Assistance
Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
Offered through TDHCA's federally funded Texas HOME Program
Eligible Applicants: Units of local government, nonprofit organizations, and Public Housing Authorities
Eligible Activities: Rental subsidies for up to 24 months while the household engages in a self-sufficiency program; may include security and utility deposit. May be extended up to 60 months based on other qualifications.
Beneficiaries: Renters earning up to 80% AMFI
Contact: Abigail Versyp (512) 475-0908 abigail.versyp@tdhca.texas.gov
HOME Program Division (512) 475-2975 home@tdhca.texas.gov
HOME Disaster Relief page
Home Rehabilitation, Reconstruction
HOMEowner Rehabilitation Assistance (HRA) Program
Offered through TDHCA's federally funded Texas HOME Program
Eligible Applicants: Units of local government, nonprofit organizations, and Public Housing Authorities
Eligible Activities: Rehabilitation or reconstruction of substandard stick built homes or replacement of manufactured housing units owned and occupied by qualified homeowners; potential refinance of existing mortgage in conjunction with home rehabilitation or reconstruction for qualified applicants
Beneficiaries: Households earning up to 80% AMFI
Contact: Abigail Versyp (512) 475-0908 abigail.versyp@tdhca.texas.gov
HOME Program (512) 475-2975 home@tdhca.texas.gov
HOME Disaster Relief page
Amy Young Barrier Removal (AYBR) Program
Offered through TDHCA's state funded Housing Trust Fund
Eligible Applicants: Units of local government, nonprofit organizations, and Public Housing Authorities
Eligible Activities: Grant funds for accessibility modifications in renter- and owner-occupied housing; also helps eliminate life-threatening hazards and correct unsafe conditions in owner-occupied homes
Beneficiaries: Persons with disabilities earning up to 80% AMFI
Contact: Diana Velez (512) 475-4828 diana.velez@tdhca.texas.gov
HTF Programs (800) 525-0657 htf@tdhca.texas.gov
Homebuyer Assistance
Texas Bootstrap Loan Program
Offered through TDHCA's state funded Housing Trust Fund
Eligible Applicants: State-certified “Nonprofit Owner-Builder Housing Providers”, such as Colonia Self-Help Centers and eligible nonprofit organizations, who run self-help construction programs.
Eligible Activities: Development of single family housing in which owner-builders provide at least 65% of the labor required to construct or rehabilitate their home ("sweat equity")
Beneficiaries: Households earning up to 60% AMFI
Contact: Diana Velez (512) 475-4828 diana.velez@tdhca.texas.gov
HTF Programs (800) 525-0657 htf@tdhca.texas.gov
Multifamily Housing Development, Rehabilitation
Housing Tax Credit (HTC) Program
Eligible Applicants: Private for-profit and nonprofit developers
Eligible Activities: Tax credits used to offset the developer's federal tax liability in exchange for the development of affordable rental properties or the rehabilitation of existing properties to maintain affordable rents for an extended period of time
Beneficiaries: Tenants earning up to 60% AMFI
Contact: Marni Holloway (512) 475-1676 marni.holloway@tdhca.texas.gov
Note: The HTC program is composed of two components:
- 9% HTC: A highly competitive, annual program to which disaster relief points may be applied in the application scoring process (applications accepted December - March). The 9% HTC program may typically provide approximately 70 percent of development costs.
- 4% HTC: A non-competitive program (applications accepted year-round), which may typically provide approximately 30 percent of development costs, and is typically paired with the Department's Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bond (MRB) Program.
Multifamily Mortgage Revenue Bond (MRB) Program
Eligible Applicants: Private for-profit and nonprofit developers
Eligible Activities: Low-interest loans to help finance the development of affordable rental properties or the rehabilitation of existing properties to maintain affordable rents for an extended period of time
Beneficiaries: Tenants earning up to 60% AMFI
Contact: Teresa Morales (512) 475-3344 teresa.morales@tdhca.texas.gov
Note: This is a non-competitive program, and applications accepted year-round.
Multifamily Direct Loan Program
Offered through TDHCA's federally funded Texas HOME Program, Tax Credit Assistance Program Repayment Funds, Neighborhood Stabilization Program, and/or National Housing Trust Funds
Eligible Applicants: Units of local governments, nonprofit and for-profit organizations, Public Housing Authorities, and Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDO)
Eligible Activities: New construction, demolition and reconstruction, or acquisition and rehabilitation of affordable multifamily rental housing
Beneficiaries: Tenants earning up to 80% AMFI
Contact: Charlotte (Char) Flickinger (512) 475-0538 charlotte.flickinger@tdhca.texas.gov
Federal (Texas) Disaster Declarations
- A list of federally declared disasters in Texas is available at www.fema.gov/states/texas
- For a list of designated areas included in federally declared disasters in Texas:
- Visit www.fema.gov/states/texas;
- Select a specific disaster; then
- Click on the “Designated Areas” link on the left side of the screen.
Public Facilities Repair, Replacement
Public Assistance (“PA”) funds may be available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) to State, Local, Tribal and Territorial governments and certain private-non-profit organizations in designated areas for emergency work and the repair or replacement of disaster-damaged facilities under the following categories:
- PA-A: Debris removal
- PA-B: Emergency protective measures
- PA-C: Roads and bridges
- PA-D: Water control facilities
- PA-E: Public buildings and contents
- PA-F: Public utilities
- PA-G: Parks, recreational, and other facilities
Learn more about PA funding at www.fema.gov/public-assistance-local-state-tribal-and-non-profit
PA fact sheets are available at www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/90743
Hazard Mitigation
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (“HMGP”) funds may be available from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (“FEMA”) to help communities implement hazard mitigation measures following a Presidential major disaster declaration.
For more information visit www.fema.gov/hazard-mitigation-grant-program
In Texas, contact:
Paula K. Logan, Deputy Assistant Director
State Hazard Mitigation Officer
Texas Department of Emergency Management (“TDEM”)
Phone: (512) 424-2642
Email: paula.logan@dps.texas.gov
TDEM Mitigation
Phone: (512 424-5489
Email: tdem-mitigation@dps.texas.gov