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Reporting Requirements 10TAC §10.607 (Secretary of State site)
Annual Reports – Annual Owner's Compliance Report (AOCR)
Each rental housing development funded by the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA) is required to submit an Annual Owner’s Compliance Report (AOCR). The report is due April 30th of each year. The information in the report will reflect current data as of December 31st of the previous year (the reporting year). The first AOCR is due the second year following the award of funding. For example, if a development is awarded funding in calendar year 2012, the first report is due April 30, 2014. The AOCR is due even if a development is still under construction.
The AOCR is Composed of Five Parts:
Part A – The Owner’s Certification of Program Compliance
In this section of the report, the owner certifies to compliance with the development’s applicable program requirements.
Part B – The Unit Status Report (USR)
This is an occupancy report reflecting individual household information (income, rent, household size, etc).
Part C – Housing for Persons with Disabilities Report
The owner must report information regarding units designed for persons with disabilities.
Part D – The Owner’s Financial Certification
The owner must report on the financial status of the development.
Part E – Form 8703
Tax Exempt bond developments must file form 8703 each calendar year of the qualified project period. The form 8703 must uploaded to the Electronic Document Attachment system, using the development's Compliance Monitoring and Tracking System, (CMTS) account. TDHCA only requires submission of this form if TDHCA is the property’s BOND issuer.
2023 AOCR Resources
2022 AOCR Resources
2021 AOCR Resources
2020 AOCR Resources
2019 AOCR Resources
AOCR Submission
Parts A, B, C, D, and E are due April 30th.
The AOCR must be submitted through the Department’s online reporting system, Compliance Monitoring and Tracking System (CMTS). Select “Login to CMTS,” then enter your user ID and password. Select “Annual Owner’s Compliance Report;” the links to all required reports will appear. Once a report is submitted, the link to the report will no longer appear on the screen and changes cannot be made; however, the report can be reviewed online and is available for printing.
If you do not have a user ID and password, immediately complete and submit the Electronic Compliance Reporting Filing Agreement and Owner’s Designation of Administrator of Accounts forms.
Quarterly Vacancy Reports
Texas Government Code 2306.2631 requires owners of multifamily rental developments that receive funding from the State of Texas, including Tax Credits, to submit quarterly reports on the number of vacant units to the Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs (TDHCA). This information is to enable the agency to accurately assess the need for affordable housing.
To comply with this requirement, development owners must submit a quarterly Unit Status Report (USR) through the Department’s online reporting system – CMTS.
Quarterly reports are due in January, April, July and October on the 10th of the month.
The report must show occupancy as of the last day of the previous month for the reporting period. For example, the quarterly report due October 10th should report occupancy as of September 30th. The first quarterly report was due January 10th, 2010, reflecting occupancy as of December 31st, 2009.
Desk Review Reports
Owners of multifamily rental housing developments with funding through the Home Investment Partnership Act (HOME), Multifamily Revenue Bond Program (BOND), Housing Trust Fund (HTF) and Preservation Program are required to submit either quarterly or annually compliance reports to TDHCA for a desk review. Developments allocated Housing Tax Credits, Housing Tax Credit Exchange and Tax Credit Assistance Program funding are exempt from this requirement unless the development has also received an allocation of HOME, BOND, HTF or Preservation funding.
Development owners must submit a quarterly Unit Status Report (USR) through the Department’s online reporting system – CMTS.
The desk review reports are set up initially for quarterly reporting. Quarterly reports are due in March, June, September, and December on the 10th of the month.
The report must show occupancy as of the last day of the previous month for the reporting period. For example, the quarterly report due June 10th should report occupancy as of May 31st.
A compliance monitor with the Compliance Division will contact the owner to begin desk review reporting. The assigned monitor will conduct a limited review of the USR and report any noncompliance issues to the owner. Corrective action is not due; however, corrections to the USR should be made prior to the next quarter’s submission.
Once developments have met their initial occupancy requirements and there are no outstanding issues of noncompliance, the assigned desk review monitor may move the development to annual reporting. Generally, the annual desk review reporting coincides with the Annual Owner Compliance Report.