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An official website of the Texas state government

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Hidalgo County
Diana R. Serna, Program Director 
Hidalgo-County-Urban County 
1916 Tesoro Blvd
Pharr, Texas 78577

Phone: (956) 787-8127
Fax: (956) 787-5291

Starr County 
Anna Villareal, Executive Director 
10 Mayorca Street 
Rio Grande City, Texas 78582

Phone: (956) 488-2025 
Fax: (956) 487-3674

Cameron/Willacy Counties
Frank Bejarano, Director Program Development & Management 
P.O. Box 3846
1100 E. Monroe Street 
Brownsville, TX 78520

Phone: (956) 544-0828
Fax: (956) 544-0891

Webb County
Juan Vargas, Director Economic Development
Tex-Mex Bldg 
1200 Washington Street 
East Side Bldg 
Laredo, Texas 78040

Phone: (956) 523-4605 
Fax: (956) 523-5064

El Paso County
Jack Alayyan, Director Planning & Development Department
800 E. Overland, Suite 200
El Paso, Texas 79901

Phone: (915) 543-3845 Ext. 4555 
Fax: (915) 543-3846

Maverick County
Esther Benavidez, Planning Assistant 
500 Quarry Street, Suite 13 
Eagle Pass, Texas 78852

Phone: (830) 773-4377 
Cell: (830) 757-0763

Val Verde County
Otilla Gonzales, Administrative Assistant 
400 Pecan Street 
P.O. Box 4250 
Del Rio, Texas 78841

Phone: (830) 774-7552 
Fax: (830) 775-9406


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