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The Amy Young Barrier Removal (AYBR) Program is funded through the Housing Trust Fund, a biennial State authorized allocation. The biennial plan can be found here. TDHCA provides funds to administrators through a reservation system and funds are replenished via NOFAs on a regular basis. Available amounts are listed on our Reservation Summary Page. Current NOFAs are on our NOFA page.
TDHCA contracts with nonprofit organizations and local governments to administer the AYBR Program. Applications for participation in the Reservation System are accepted on an on-going, year-round basis. Applicants must be familiar with Program rules and Regulations, and complete this Application to Access the Reservation System Updated January 24, 2024.
The AYBR Program assistance is in the form of one-time grants of up to $22,500 to construct reasonable accommodations for renters and homeowners so that any household member with disabilities can fully access their home. Program beneficiaries must include a Person with Disability, must have a household income that does not exceed 80% of the Area Median Family Income (AMFI), as defined by HUD for the HOME Program, and may be tenants or homeowners.