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This tool is designed to be a safe harbor tool for selecting least likely to apply populations when creating your multifamily affirmative marketing plan (AFHMP). If your property participates in HOME or USDA programs, you will still need to provide the data in Worksheet 1 when you submit your AFHMP to HUD or USDA. For more information on how to fill out Worksheet 1, please see our training for affirmative marketing in the HOME-ARP program for more information.
Please follow these steps to use this tool:
- Use the magnifying glass icon at the top left to search for your property’s city, county, or zip code.
- Hover over the area of the map where your property is located. A tooltip will appear listing the county and census tract. Make sure to check that the census tract in the tooltip matches the census tract your property is in. Take a screenshot of the tooltip (Win +Shift +S on a PC, Shift + Command + 4 on a Mac)
- Check the boxes in Section 3b of the HUD 935.2A form that correspond with the tooltip items that say “Yes”. If you are using a different format, just make sure to indicate that least likely to apply populations that match the tooltip.
- When you submit the Affirmative Marketing Plan, include the screenshot that you took so that we know
- If you have a question about the tool or affirmative marketing plans, please email us at fair.housing@tdhca.texas.gov